Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Review: Ignite by Lily Paradis

Stand Alone
Format: ebook
Rating: 2 Stars
How I Got It: Got for free
Genre: New Adult
Publisher: Empire Books
Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads

After her father’s untimely demise in a mining accident and her mother’s abandonment, Lauren Lindsay is no stranger to loss. She’s used to living life for one person: herself. That is, until another family tragedy thrusts three children into her care and uproots her life in ways she could never imagine.

Lauren's first instinct is to run, until she meets their striking, mysterious neighbor Dean Powell. Their immediate chemistry and his connection with her late father just might be enough to keep her in town long enough to uncover pieces of her past that she never had answers to. Dean’s shady past and her reluctance to trust him could cost her the life she's always been searching for, but will she run back to her old life?

Or will she choose to stay and live the life her father always imagined for her?

At least I finished this book. This book needed some editing-both for form and content. I don't usually hold typos against authors because they're just people. But the inconsistencies in plot and characters I could not get over.

This book felt like someone cut out random chapters or various drafts with different ideas were accidentally put together. For example, Lily kept saying that Dean was mean to her, but I didn't see that. He would help with the kids and then she'd be like "he's so mean." Don't get me wrong, Dean has issues, but that didn't seem to be one.

There was potential here, but a few more rounds of editing would help. This is a pretty stereotypical story especially for New Adult. I'm ok with that, but it does mean you have to do more finessing with your characters and plot.

Despite my issues, I wouldbe willing to give Ms. Paradis another shot. For some reason, I feel like there may be more to what happened to this book than it seems.

Thanks for reading!

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