Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Review: Changeless by Gail Carriger

Changeless (Parasol Protectorate, #2)

Series: The Parasol Protectorate Book #2
Format: Paperback
Pages: 374
Rating: 5 Stars
How I Got It: Borrowed from the library

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, Romance,
Publisher: Orbit
Synopsis (from Goodreads)

Alexia Maccon, the Lady Woolsey, awakens in the wee hours of the mid-afternoon to find her husband, who should be decently asleep like any normal werewolf, yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he disappears; leaving her to deal with a regiment of supernatural soldiers encamped on her doorstep, a plethora of exorcised ghosts, and an angry Queen Victoria.

But Alexia is armed with her trusty parasol, the latest fashions, and an arsenal of biting civility. So even when her investigations take her to Scotland, the backwater of ugly waistcoats, she is prepared: upending werewolf pack dynamics as only the soulless can. She might even find time to track down her wayward husband, if she feels like it.

CHANGLESS is the second book of the Parasol Protectorate series: a comedy of manners set in Victorian London, full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and tea-drinking.


I’m a little heart-broken right now with that ending. Objectively, it was a great ending, but I wasn’t expecting it. Plus, I finished this on my break at work so I couldn’t pick up the next one.

It actually took me a little while to get into this one so I was a little worried. Looking back on it, I think I just needed to take a break from reading instead of forcing myself to read. Once I got over that I flew through it.

Gail Carriger has such a unique and funny voice. Her writing has some of the subtle sarcasm I’ve read in classics, but somehow it’s got a modern flavor. It’s just so freaking beautiful.

And Alexia. I’m not surprised, but I’m glad she’s still herself even though she’s married. She is an alpha female without being a bitch. Although, considering the wolf dynamics she could be…technically. And she’s such a well-rounded and thoughtful character.

The Alexia and Connall relationship is becoming one of my favorites now. They are a supportive couple but aren’t afraid to challenge each other when it’s needed. And even though they are now a couple and work together they don’t lose themselves by being married. Plus, their banter. It’s one of my favorite things. Even when they are arguing you can tell they love each other. Ms. Carriger does an excellent job of writing their physicality with each other which shows how close they are.

Ivy stole the show for me. She’s so unintentionally funny and I hope she continues showing up. And I really like her relationship with Alexia.

I did like the mystery and paranormal part of the plot. It was interesting and I wanted to know what was going on but I don’t have much to say about it.

Thanks for reading!

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