Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Review: Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson


Format: Hardcover
Pages: 468
Rating: 5 Stars
How I Got It: Purchased

Can someone tell me if Since You’ve Been Gone had a dead or dying dad because this crap destroys me. I mean I cried at work-a few times-while reading this. But I still loved this story.

I find Ms. Matson’s writing very soothing. I can’t explain why. But she easily blends family, friendship, romance, and character growth. And normally I would want more romance, but this story completely satisfied me.

Taylor could easily be annoying and immature, but she isn’t. And she really evolves in a natural way. Plus, her flaws are very normal and believable. I think what made the difference is that she is very aware of her mistakes/flaws.

I didn’t think the big “issue” from five summers ago was as huge as it was built up to be. But that’s what happens when you avoid your past mistakes.

As much as I liked the romance and Taylor’s growing friendships my favorite parts were when she was with her dad. Now, these were also the most emotional, because I’m very much a daddy’s girl. There’s so many messed up parent relationships in YA so this was refreshing. There interactions were just perfect and full of love.

The worst thing is that I know I’m now going to look at every Instagram picture of Morgan Matson’s dog differently.

Thanks for reading!

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